The Fitzrovia Arts Festival
11-17 June 2023
An annual cultural festival in the heart of London.

The Fitzrovia Arts Festival is a remarkable thing. In the heart of one of the greatest cities in the world the community of Fitzrovia has come together to create an incredible event.
Due to the generosity of the sponsors all Fitzrovia Arts Festival events are free.
Entering its seventh edition, the Fitzrovia Arts Festival celebrates the rich artistic past and present of London’s beloved bohemian postcode. It draws on the talents of the many internationally-acclaimed artists, performers and writers living in the area, and celebrates the achievements of many of the great figures of the past who have made Fitzrovia home – from Benjamin Britten and Virginia Woolf, to George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Bechet.
With a programme of concerts (both classical and jazz), exhibitions, poetry readings, talks, walks, and performances, the Festival is a wonderful confirmation of the cultural continuity and community spirit of this unique London ‘village’.




Partners of Fitzrovia Art Festival 2023