Sunday 11 June
The sunshine has blessed the Fitzrovia Arts Festival 2023. What glorious weather we have had. The first day of the Festival kicked off with Linus Rees, Editor of the Fitzrovia News history walk. We enjoyed taking in the old Middlesex Hospital site, All Saints Church on St Margaret's Street, the Newman Arms and lots more historical sites that capture the fascinating, layered history of Fitzrovia's many varied inhabitants. Linus's walk is part of the Fitzrovia Community Centre's ongoing project: Hidden Fitzrovia. Hidden Fitzrovia runs until August. You can learn more about it here.

Warren Mews was bursting with beautiful flowers and plants for the Mews Party in the afternoon. International divas Claudia and Kathy got the party started with their renditions of classic '70s and '80s hits. Many adorable dogs of Fitzrovia had donned their Sunday best to be in with a shot to claim the title of Fitzrovia's Best Dog. Dog trainer to the stars Nina Bondarenko put these pooches through their paces, and judge Rebecca Hossack felt the competition was so stiff she awarded six prizes!

Master saxophonist Simon Bates and his band serenaded us into the evening. It was wonderful to see so many of you: those of you who work, live, or own businesses nearby, come and celebrate the opening of the Festival with us!